Evidence from a Sworn Affidavit, June 28, 2011
Subject: Ross v. Ministry of Public Safety - S117620
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 09:38:31 -0700
From: Debbie.Soroka@courts.gov.bc.ca
To: col.j.ross@live.co.uk; marcelle.vanbeek@justice.gc.ca Mr. Ross I have received your Notice of Hearing and Notice of Motion in regards to turning off the electro-magnetic weapons. I have spoken with Justice Schultes and he has stated that a date to hear this motion will be set on September 28 after he gives his judgment. I will hold the documents in my office until that date.
Debi Soroka Supreme Court Scheduler New Westminster Law Courts 660-8551 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail NOTE: This e-mail message is intended only for the named recipient(s) above and may contain information that is confidential. If you have received this message in error, or are not the named recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail message.
Human Rights Group | Daily News Blog
"אפילו אין די דיפּאַסט סינגקינג דאָרט איז די פאַרבאָרגן צוועק פון אַן לעצט רייזינג. אזוי עס איז פֿאַר אַלע מענטשן, פון גאָרניט איז די מקור פון ליכט וויטכעלד סייַדן ער זיך ווידדראָז פון עס. דעריבער די מערסט וויכטיק זאַך איז ניט צו פאַרצווייפלונג. "חסידישע סייַינג."
"Even in the Deepest Sinking there is the hidden purpose of final Rising. So it is for all people, from nothing is the source of light Withheld unless he himself Withdraws from it. Therefore the most important thing is not to despair." ~ Hasidic Saying ~
Evidence from a Sworn Affidavit, June 28, 2011
From: col.j.ross@live.co.uk
To: debbie.soroka@courts.gov.bc.ca
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 18:44:03 +0100
Evidence from a Sworn Affidavit, June 28, 2011
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 04:14:36 -0700
From: inventor0207@yahoo.com
Subject: Johnny
To: col.j.ross@live.co.uk
Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!
- By David Hambling
- July 1, 2009 |
- 5:59 pm |
Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert’s favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to further harass Walbert. No, seriously. I recently took part in a BBC Radio 4 program, which took a light-hearted look into the “the real Manchurian Candidate” — and examined whether there is any truth in stories of mind control. Most of these projects are just lab experiments, or examples of Powerpoint engineering. But in some legal, policy, and business circles, electromagnetic brain assaults are being taken seriously. For some, this opens up a new business opportunity. There are already quite a few companies out there offering “Technical Surveillance Counter Measures,” or sweeps to determine if you are the victim of electronic harassment. As well detecting the usual bugging devices, they can check if you are being covertly bombarded by microwaves which may be the cause of “headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears.” Much of this trade may come from people with symptoms caused by something less exotic than high-tech military hardware. But companies will no doubt be willing to sell them expensive protection measures, anyway. And as awareness of these developing technology projects increases, we are likely to be hearing a lot more about “electronic harassment,” “gang stalking” and the like over the next few years. [Photo: U.S. Army]
Rep. Jim Guest: The "Go-To Guy" for Victims of "Secret Electromagnetic Energy Weapons" Submitted by .Sean on July 7, 2009 - 8:55am
Rep. Jim Guest (R-King City) may have as many conspiracy theories as Orly Taitz. Yesterday, Iposted a short summary of a Wired magazine article about Guest's fight against electromagnetic radiation. Today's Post-Dispatch has even more information about Guest's efforts on behalf of a Kansas man allegedly harassed by "secret electromagnetic energy weapons," and persons similarly oppressed everywhere. [James Walbert of Wichita] asked for a legal order of protection against a former business partner whom he claimed had “stalked myself and family members with electronic and microwave devices.” Thanks in part to a letter of support written by Missouri state Rep. Jim Guest, R-King City, on his official stationery — and in part to the former business partner’s absence from a hearing on the allegation — Mr. Walbert got his order of protection on Dec. 30... Mr. Guest has become something of an elder statesman for those who worry about the impending microchip threat. He appeared on a radio show Monday with the author of the Pennsylvania bill. He’s also become the go-to guy for what he describes as “microwave and electronic harassment victims” — people targeted by nefarious forces wielding secret electromagnetic energy weapons. His interest in the subject began three or four years ago, he says, when he was first approached by victimized citizens. One of them was Mr. Walbert. The Post-Dispatch also points readers to a 2008 New York Times article featuring Guest and his concerns. And the users of some sites have found the support of Jim Guest, a Republican state representative in Missouri, who wrote last year to his fellow legislators calling for an investigation into the claims of those who say they are being tortured. “I’ve had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by nonlethal weapons,” Mr. Guest said in a telephone interview, adding that nothing came of his request for a legislative investigation. “They become affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night.” He added: “I believe there are people who have been targeted by this. With this equipment, you have to test it on somebody to see if it works.” Appropriately, Guest has been at least tacitly supported in his efforts by the House GOP leadership, which has named Guest the Chairman of the House Real ID and Personal Privacy Committee. Respectfully James Walbert
Respectfully James Walbert
From: Camille.Parent@gov.bc.ca
To: humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 09:45:10 -0700
Subject: RE: Camille Parent, Court Registry Services Re: Ross v. MPSSG et al - BCSC New Westminster Registry No. S117620
Hello Jonathan,
You are very welcome for the available dates.
With respect to the action being dismissed, I am unable to answer your questions regarding the matter being heard on August 15, 2011. I am not aware of what Mr. Justice Schultes dismissed in 2009. This is an issue you may wish to seek legal advice on.
If you do not have counsel of record there are a few free/inexpensive services you may wish to use: www.dialalaw.org at 604-687-4680 or Lawyer Referral ($25.00 for 30 minutes) 604-687-3221, call 8:30 – 4:30 PST or the Legal Services Society, www.lss.bc.ca at 604-408-2172. I understand you are overseas and these are British Columbia services, but they may be useful to you.
Thank you,
From: Camille.Parent@gov.bc.ca
To: humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 14:56:48 -0700
Subject: RE: Camille and Justice Williamson, Re: B.C. Supreme Court File SS117620Hello Mr. Ross,
Your application and affidavit have been received by the registry. Please see the attached letter, the original of which was mailed to you on, August 2, 2011.
As per the attached letter I can advise you that action S117620 was dismissed on September 28, 2009. Therefore the registry is unable to accept the documents for filing or respond further to requests, as the action is concluded.
Camille Parent
Camille Parent | A/Manager Registry Operations Ministry of Attorney General | New Westminster Law Courts | 651 Carnarvon St, New Westminster BC V3M 1C9
From: humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk
To: camille.parent@gov.bc.ca
Subject: Camille Parent Re: IMPORTANT Ross v. MPSSG et al - BCSC New Westminster Registry No. S117620
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 08:51:22 +0100
'Without Prejudice'
Legal Perspective File S117620
Dear Camille,
I asked Michael Menkes, Lawyer in New Westminster about our situation and he advised me,"the Justice had jurisdiction over the costs, DOJ is trying to recoup from me." My New Affidavit is dealing with the costs, among other important evidence. The Supreme Court of British Columbia, has dismissed an important lawsuit, violating my Charter Rights. I will be filing the Lawsuit in the High Court of London, as soon as I'm ready with all the case law, legal submissions, additional evidence and International Judicial review of a Human Rights Violations, recognized in a Superior International Court. My Lawsuit may of been dismissed, but there is a hearing set for August 22 at 9:30 am regarding file S117620. I have a right to be heard by a Justice. If there is a hearing, the matter is not entirely dismissed. Legally, I am entitled to submit my Affidavit to the Supreme Court. Please see that a Justice, gets my e-mail and attachment documents. To have the hearing heard by a Court Registrar on August 22, is inadequate in a Court of Law. Almost 2 years ago, DOJ tried the same rubbish and it was dismissed by the Lady Registrar. Thank you for all your help, enjoy the rest of your summer!
From: Jonathan Ross [mailto:humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk]
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 1:31 PM
To: Parent, Camille E AG:EX
Subject: Camille and Justice Williamson, Re: B.C. Supreme Court File SS117620
Dear Camille and Justice Williamson,
I mailed my new affidavit to you last week by Royal Mail Air Shore, You should have it by now. I am providing this e-mail with the links below, so the Lordship can watch the video testimony from expert witnesses and the testimony from the victims speaking at the Presidential Commission hearings in Washington D.C. and New York City. It's easier to see the live links, instead of copy and paste to turn a dead link into a live one. Everything that's in this e-mail, is also in my sworn affidavit. I decided to mail you everything, because Valerie is on holiday. No one in the office is familiar with her file. I was able to save money, I don't have by sending you the affidavit the old fashioned way, Royal Mail. The receipt is in the attachments with my application and letter to Justice Williamson and You. I hope the Lordship's are able to see the links, so they see how this outrageous crime involving technology is impairing the victims. I hope some good comes out of this pending matter in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, where this lawsuit belongs.
From: humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk
To: kfraser@theprovince.com
Subject: Hiya Keith, how is work at the paper? Re: FILE - S117620 B.C. Supreme New West Re: Megan F. Volk RCMP Lawyer and Justice Terence A. Schultes, British Columbia Judge
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 07:28:17 +0100
The Province and Sun News Papers
Vancouver British Columbia
Hiya Keith,
I spoke to you regarding Peter Ritchie back in Dec of 2008. Are you still the Top Dog on the Court Scene? You gave me Ritchies telephone number 604-684-0778. That was a good article on Ritchie, the common man not having any access to B.C. Courts. Nothing has changed has it? Look at the mess, I am in with my lawsuit. Illegally dismissed by Schultes and his good friend Megan Volk at DOJ. http://www.protectingjusticeforbc.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Jan30-NEWSRELEASE-SupportingPeterRitchie.pdf
From: humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk
To: kgallagher@ccrjustice.org
Subject: Kathy Kallagher Esq. Center for Constitutional Rights Re: FILE - S117620 B.C. Supreme New West Re: Megan F. Volk RCMP Lawyer and Justice Terence A. Schultes, British Columbia Judge
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 07:12:17 +0100
Ms. Kathy Gallagher Esq.
Center for Constitutional Rights
New York, USA
Dear Ms. Gallagher,
Please review my e-mail to the Dept of Justice in B.C. and to the Chief Justice of Canada. Maria Lahood offered to help me with the lawsuit three years ago, I never heard from her. To busy with the Maher Ara lawsuit, I suppose. Our 19th Century Laws are doing little to protect the victims from 21st Century Crimes involving sophisticated satellite technology, no one understands. There are 300,000 targeted individuals ( t.i.'s ) in the world. I have gathered several hundred of them on my dozen facebook sites. James Walbert in Kansas, has the help of House Representitive James Guest of Missouri. James has been doing good in the Hon. Judge James Beasley's Courtroom. first-of-its-kind order of protection. The rest of the victims are treated like they are 3 sandwiches short of a picnic. There is not one Lawyer in the entire world defending Human Rights for these victims. I am planning to file a class action lawsuit in the High Court of London. I am using some of your CCR Case Law to support my Judicial Review. This is not brain surgery to petition the courts for a motion and order to turn off the technology targeting the individuals. I had a motion and hearing application in British Columbia Supreme. My lawsuit was dismissed illegally by Judge Terence A. Schultes, who has conflict of interest ties to Dept. of Justice Colleauges in B.C. Canada. I have never lost a lawsuit, I've litigated myself. Please help with the filing of important legal documents and case law, the courts must recognize.
Best Regards,
Contact Us Dr.Cathy Meadows, Clinical Psychologist Website
From: humanrightsprotectionagency@live.co.uk
To: petitions@equesnel.com
Subject: The Hon. Wally Oppal Re: FILE - S117620 B.C. Supreme New West Re: Megan F. Volk RCMP Lawyer and Justice Terence A. Schultes, British Columbia Judge
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 05:06:21 +0100
The Hon. Wally Oppal
Attorney General of B.C.
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Dear Mr. Oppal,
Please review this entire e-mail, regarding Justice Schultes and his relationship with Megan Volk and the DOJ. This is an outrageous conflict of interest for a B.C. Judge to have ties to your department. I had a very important lawsuit no one understood, because Technology Crimes are the New Frontier for all of us. Schultes is a colleauge of Megin Volk, and he was used to dismiss my lawsuit illegally in B.C. Supreme Court. Please have a close look at this reckless abuse of our judicial system and do something about it.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Ross
"Human happiness and moral
duty are inseperably connected"
All items are marked as evidence exhibits in my affidavit, Sworn June 28 and July 27, 2011 with my Solicitor ___________________________________________________
The links are in my Sworn Affidavit for copy&paste to see the testimony from the Presidential Commission Hearings in Washington D.C. Witness Testimony and Expert Witness Interviews.
Sworn Affidavit Exhibit, number 2 June 28, 2011
Barack Obama and Dr. Amy Guttman, United States Presidential Investigations Commission Hearing The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues March 2,2011 Targeted Individuals speak out against torture!
The RCMP are now being investigated for torturing American and Canadians.
Today, HAARP weaponry technology is not only being attributed to triggering volcanos and earthquakes, including Japan’s quake on March 11, but also to targeting individuals. Following Targeted Individuals’ recent statements presented to President Obama through his appointed Bioethics Committee.
Group of UAE and Mutli-national lawyers with over 20 years experience in Dubai
Evidence from a Sworn Affidavit, June 28, 2011
targetedindividuals.webs.com C-Mead Consulting helps targeted individuals deal with their feelings and advocates for them with respect to family, friends, attorneys, employers, etc.
Cathy Meadows Website
2005 International Law Enforcement Forum for
"When evil men plot, good men and women must build. When evil men burn and bomb, good men and women must build and bind.
When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men and women must commit themselves to the glories of love. When evil men would seek to perpetuate an unjust status quo, good men and women must seek to bring into being a real order of justice." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - http://rewardforinformation.blogspot.com/2010/03/1000000.html
Honouring our friend Jack Layton
Our friend who cared about the victims
of technology crimes in Canada and the U S A
"How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world." ~ William Shakespeare ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRPOiLc_xBY&feature=related
Seeking Freedom and Justice worldwide
for those targeted with organized stalking
and remote electronic assaults.
Mt. Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments
HAARP Holographic Projection and Mind Control Who's Pet Are You? Micro Chip Implants for you and your pets We the People will not be Chipped - No Verichip Inside Movement, is based on the irrefutable fact, that mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under you skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip
We The People Will Not Be Chipped Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda by John Smith |