Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hope RCMP Staff Sergeant Dale Kjemhus, Criminal Investigation of Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Lying Under Oath, Refusing to Investigate RCMP Corruption and Illegal use of Micro Wave Weapons and Direct Energy Weapons used on the Canadian Residents. Staff Sergeant Dale Kjemhus is a Human Rights Violation, Disgrace to Humanity and a Disgrace to Canada. Enjoy your retirement you useless Son of a Bitch, Sharmutah!

Hope RCMP Staff Sergeant Dale Kjemhus has retired from the force. On June 1, the familiar face in the community called it a career. Kjemhus has spent the last 16 and a half years in Hope, the last six as staff sergeant. While he no longer works in the community, Kjemhus said he and his wife plan to remain residents. "I have no intentions of going anywhere," he said.  "Why people would not want to live here baffles me." Kjemhus was honoured by Mayor Laurie French and the rest of council, during it's meeting on May 30. "It's a bit of a bittersweet moment. On one hand I'm very sorry to see him go and on the other, it's nice to see someone reach that time in their lives when they can take time for themselves and do what they want," said French. Staff Sergeant Suki Manj has now taken over as the head of the Hope and Boston Bar community police offices. "We look forward to working with him as he gets his feet wet in the new community," said French.

Civilian oversight for RCMP

By Tom Fletcher - Hope Standard

The B.C. government has announced a new civilian office that will investigate serious misconduct claims against RCMP officers in the province. The new office follows the recommendations of the inquiry into the death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver International Airport in 2007. A special prosecutor announced last week that the four RCMP officers involved in the arrest and Tasering of Dziekanski have been charged with perjury in relation to their testimony at the inquiry. The new police oversight office will work alongside the existing B.C. Police Complaint Commissioner, who investigates complaints about conduct of municipal police officers. The new independent office was one of the recommendations of retired judge Thomas Braidwood, who led a public inquiry into the Dziekanski case in light of a video of the airport incident taken by a traveler. Braidwood joined Premier Christy Clark, Public Safety Minister Shirley Bond, Attorney General Barry Penner and senior police representatives at a news conference to detail the plan. Braidwood said the B.C. government has carried through on his main recommendation to move away from police investigating their own conduct, in the Dziekanski case and that of Frank Paul, a homeless alcoholic who died after being dragged from police cells and left in a Vancouver alley in 1998.
“It is tragic that Frank Paul and Robert Dziekanski had to die before the practice of police investigating themselves was put to rest forever,” Braidwood said. NDP public safety critic Kathy Corrigan said the new office is a long overdue step, delayed by a “revolving door” of public safety ministers in the B.C. Liberal government.
Clark said she spoke to Dziekanski’s mother Tuesday, and also to Linda Bush, whose son Ian was shot and killed at the RCMP detachment in Houston B.C. in 2005. Both were pleased that their loss at least led to change, Clark said.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Use Direct Energy Weapons to Torture and Kill Victims. "I know of no technology or other means by which members of the RCMP could read a person's mind or inflict subliminal messages on a person," Staff Sgt. Dale Kjemhus, the commander of the Hope detachment, testified. But B.C. Supreme Court Justice James Williams said the officer's testimony and affidavit were not good enough. In his ruling, released Friday, the judge said he intended no disrespect to Kjemhus, but found  "his evidence that he is unaware of the technique is not by any means proof positive that it is not used."  Staff Sgt. Dale Kjemhus is a modern day Nazi,who has done nothing to expose the RCMP's use of micro wave and directed energy weapons. Kjemhus has brought shame and destruction to the lives of the victims and to Canada. Kjemhus has had 2 years to investigate and bring the criminal RCMP to justice. instead he hides in his Hope office, doing absolutely nothing.

The Jerusalem Post
by Robert Sarner 
and Steven Leibowitz
The story of Nazi's in Canada